Rooted in local culture

Discover an educational institution that helps you progress and actively contributes to the vitality of the Northwest Territories's French-speaking community.

Education for people interested in the realities of the North

Studying at the College means developing oneself in a flexible and inclusive environment, respectful of the different cultures that surround it. Here, you have the pleasure of learning in the heart of a French-speaking minority, which does a lot to encourage exchanges, encounters and the respectful learning about Indigenous ways of life.. Come and learn in a friendly environment, where each learner's path is adapted to their reality.

Introducing our Team

The history of Collège Nordique

Located in Yellowknife, Collège Nordique is the only educational institution north of the 60th parallel to, in French, develop your language and professional skills, or pursue your post-secondary studies. 

Collège Nordique was founded in 2011 on a vision: to contribute to the vitality of the Northern French-speaking community through quality education that fosters inclusion and linguistic and cultural diversity.  

Our varied programs are aimed at all Northerners and anyone who wants to learn more about the North. With us, you can pursue your post-secondary studies as well as your professional development in French and you can improve your language skills or learn more about your community. You can learn on your own or in a group, face-to-face or online. Whatever your choice, you can count on our deeply rooted values of creativity, diversity, commitment and pride!  

And because diversity, equity and inclusion are so dear to us, the Collège’s team is committed to putting reconciliation in action at the heart of its programming and project.  

The Collège Nordique, a true ally of the North! 

Our mission

The Collège Nordique Francophone offers professional, language and continuing education programs that support the needs of the labour market and foster lifelong learning.

Our vision

The Collège Nordique Francophone is an educational institution that distinguishes itself for its Northern character, the accessibility of its training, and its language school.

Our values

Creativity, diversity, commitment and pride are the values that motivate our daily activities.


Innovate to address workforce needs, and adapt to our context.


Demonstrate inclusion and openness favouring differences among people.


Focus on the involvement and transparency among stakeholders within the institution and among partners.


Value and contribute to the vitality of the languages and cultures of the NWT.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Already aware of the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) for several years, the team at the College wanted to deepen its knowledge by initiating an internal DEI process. Since then, a committee has been set up to advance the project, a concrete strategy to become a leader in this field has been put in place, and staff members have been trained.

Discover our DEI strategy

Truth and Reconciliation

Firmly committed to Decolonization and Indigenization, Collège Nordique implements concrete actions and community projects to promote Truth and Reconciliation. Learn more about these initiatives and their impact on our community.

See more

What our students are saying

"I thoroughly enjoyed Spanish class at Collège Nordique. The instructors are excellent and used a variety of approaches to teach. So happy we have such an amazing language school in Yellowknife!"

Kim Murray

Spanish student

« La chose que j’ai le plus apprécié du cours est l’atmosphère incroyable qui y règne: j’ai eu le courage de prendre des risques parce qu’il n’y avait pas de jugements. Nous pouvions faire des erreurs, avoir du plaisir et essayer des choses qui sont en-dehors de notre zone de confort. »

Lorraine Hewlett

French student

« Ce que j’ai le plus aimé du cours Tlicho 2 c’est le fait que notre professeure ait si bien intégré la culture dénée dans les leçons. Faire de la bannique, ramasser de la gomme d’épinette dans la forêt au printemps et apprendre le nom des arbres donne encore plus de sens aux apprentissages linguistiques. »

Marie-Ève Duperré

Tłı̨chǫ 2 student

"Enjoyed doing the class online, great feedback and good learning experience. Thank you for being an understanding, and compassionate instructor."

Janice Render

French student


The College is the recipient of the 2020 Minister’s Culture and Heritage Circle Award and the 2019 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Employer Award for Newcomer Employment.

CEU certification

Collège Nordique is accredited by the Society of Training and Continuing Education (SOFEDUC). This accreditation was awarded following a rigorous process and testifies to the quality of our offerings and our sound pedagogical and administrative practices. It enables students to maximize their chances of professional advancement by accumulating Continuing Education Units (CEUs), which are recognized nationally by employers and professional bodies.

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On the road to accreditation

Find out more about the College's path to accreditation.

Read the news about the accreditation process

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