Early childhood culture in Northern Canada

This fully online course explores the particularities of working in Canada's territorial learning centers, highlighting the unique challenges of working in northern regions within a minority francophone community. It is specially designed for people who work or wish to work in the early childhood sector in northern Canada.

Early childhood culture in Northern Canada


This fully online course explores the particularities of working in Canada's territorial learning centers, highlighting the unique challenges of working in northern regions within a minority francophone community. It is specially designed for people who work or want to work in the early childhood sector in northern Canada. This course will give you an in-depth understanding of the distinctive climatic and geographic conditions of the three territories. You'll learn how to effectively anticipate northern challenges and master the strategies needed to ensure a safe and appropriate childcare environment. What's more, you'll develop a sensitivity to children's cultural, social and emotional needs, adapted to the unique northern context. 

At the end of this training, you will be able to: 

  • Understand and apply early childhood best practices in Nordic contexts,
  • Respond sensitively and effectively to the specific needs of children living in Canada's northern regions.
  • Contribute actively to the creation of an inclusive, safe and stimulating learning environment for all children. 

This course is intended for

  • People who work or wish to work in the early childhood sector in northern Canada.
  • Student assistants and education students who work or wish to work in the early childhood sector in northern Canada. 

Is the course recognized? 

Case studies will help you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts presented. A 60% pass rate is required for recognition of three Continuing Education Units (CEUs). 

How to access the course?  

  1. Create your account on our student portal.
  2. Register for the Early Childhood Culture in Canada's North course on the student portal.
  3. You will receive a registration key by e-mail.
  4. Create your account on our educational platform.
  5. Register for the Early Childhood Culture in Canada's North course on the educational platform using your registration key. 
Teaching mode
30 heures